Plotting Like a Pro: A Quick Reference Guide

Mastering Plotly and Dash in One Place!

Are you tired of spending hours learning the intricacies of data visualization? Look no further! This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive guide to creating stunning plots using Plotly and Dash.

Functions, Descriptions, Syntax, Examples for Easy Learning

Plotly Express

scatterCreate a scatter plotpx.scatter(dataframe, x=x_column, y=y_column)px.scatter(df, x=age_array, y=income_array)
lineCreate a line plotpx.line(x=x_column, y=y_column,'title')px.line(x=months_array, y=no_bicycle_sold_array)

Plotly Graph Objects

ScatterCreate a scattergo.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers')go.Scatter(x=age_array, y=income_array, mode='markers')

Dash Components

InputCreate an input componentdcc.Input(value='', type='text')dcc.Input(value='Hello', type='text')
GraphCreate a graph componentdcc.Graph(figure=fig)dcc.Graph(figure=fig)

More Dash Components!

DivCreate a div elementhtml.Div(children=component_list)html.Div(children=[html.H1('Hello Dash'), html.P('Welcome to Dash')])
DropdownCreate a dropdown componentdcc.Dropdown(options=options_list, value=default_value)dcc.Dropdown(options=[{'label': 'Option 1', 'value': '1'}, {'label': 'Option 2', 'value': '2'}], value='1')

Get ready to create stunning plots and dashboards like a pro!

Jose Tusabe

3 Blog posts
